NİK System

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NiK System is an department that works on the subject of remote sensing under NIK Construction Trade Ltd. NiK System is a vendor of cumulative products related with approximately whole remote sensing applications by increasing the product portfolio since 1996. NIK System has the widest range of satellite imagery products in Turkey, but also gives any kind of techncial support in related topics. Visit Satellite Images Section for detailed information.

NiK System is  both the distributor of the GIS software Global Mapper and the creator of Turkish version of Global Mapper. Also other softwares to build 3D geological models, geophysical interpretation in  addition.  Visit Software section for more information.

Nowadays, As there is an increasing interest in remote sensing applications from air crafts, NIK System has become the distributor of worldwide known related products in Turkey. For more detailed information about ground truth part  of remote sensing as spectroradiometers, Lidar solutions and Cameras please visit related sections.

You can find the given services by our company in remote sensing projects in the section of  Services.

Satellite Imageries
Due to the agreements made,our company has the widest satellite imagery portfolio.

Well developed and more powerfull softwares run on Windows platforms in today’s technology.

ASD Spectrometers, generally are used to measure the spectral values of different types of materials. There are many areas that these spectroscopic measurements are used.
LEICA Airborne Lidar & Optics

Receiving Stations
Personal receiving station and terminals which are produced by our parnter Scanex are used for receiving, storing, processing images that are taken from earth observation satellites.

• Services
Processing of satellite imageries and remote sensing applications but also services of spectroradiometers.

• Courses
NIK supplies ASD spectrometer trainings and Global Mapper training courses. On request NIK organizes introduction to remote sensing courses.